Legal Disclaimer

This web site is designed for general information only. The information presented at this web site is not legal advice nor does it create the formation of an attorney/client relationship.

This site is owned and maintained by Opri & Associates.


An attorney client relationship can and will only be created when this firm is formally retained by the party and consents in writing to the attorney client relationship via a completed and signed written engagement and fee agreement by both this firm principal and the party, also known as a attorney-client retainer agreement. Finally, this firm can only be retained after a consultation and after a conflict of interest check is completed, and any conflicts handled to the satisfaction of this firm.

Opri & Associates APLC reserves all rights herein, under the laws of the State of California.


Any information that may be transmitted on this site, either by this site, or the use of any information on this site, including any communications between you or anyone who is an agent or principal of the firm, does not constitute the formation of any legal relationship. Nor is any information disseminated to this firm through this site protected under the attorney client privilege or work product doctrine. It remains your responsibility to prevent any confidential, or otherwise privileged or sensitive information concerning yourself or your legal matter, to be disseminated as a consequence of usage of this site, or in reliance therein.